<p> SET, MAGNETIC ANOMALY MAP OF NORTH AMERICA <p> <p> By North American Magnetic Anomaly Group (NAMAG) Viki Bankey2 Alejandro Cuevas3 David Daniels2 Carol A. Finn2 Israel Hernandez3 Patricia Hill2 Robert Kucks2 Warner Miles1 Mark Pilkington1 Carter Roberts2 Walter Roest1 Victoria Rystrom2 Sarah Shearer2 Stephen Snyder2 Ronald Sweeney2 Julio Velez3 <p> <p> Sponsored by <p> 1Geological Survey of Canada <p> 2United States Geological Survey <p> 3Consejo de Recursos Minerales de México <p> <p> 2002 <p> Introduction <p> <p> This digital Magnetic Anomaly database and map for the North American continent is the result of a joint effort by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Consejo de Recursos Minerales of Mexico (CRM). The database and map represent a substantial upgrade from the previous compilation of Magnetic Anomaly data for North America, now over a decade old (Committee for the Magnetic Anomaly Map of North America, 1987). This integrated, readily accessible, modern digital database of magnetic anomaly data will be a powerful tool for further evalu_ation of the structure, geologic processes, and tectonic evolution of the continent and may also be used to help resolve societal and scientific issues that span national boundaries. The North American magnetic anomaly map derived from the digital database provides a comprehensive magnetic view of continental-scale trends not avail_able in individual data sets, helps link widely separated areas of outcrop, and unifies disparate geologic studies. This booklet outlines the data processing and compilation procedures used to produce the magnetic anomaly database and map that accompany this booklet. <p>