Product Details
- Product Number
- 230488
- Series
- TM-04-A08
- Scale
- Alternate ID
- TM-04-A08
- Authors
- Version Date
- 01/01/2009
- Media
- Paper
- Format
- Bound
Additional Details
- Description
- Abstract Streamflow is not measured at every location in a stream network. Yet hydrologists, State and local agencies, and the general public still seek to know streamflow characteristics, such as mean annual flow or flood flows with different exceedance probabilities, at ungaged basins. The goals of this guide are to introduce and familiarize the user with the weighted multiple-linear regression (WREG) program, and to also provide the theoretical background for program features. The program is intended to be used to develop a regional estimation equation for streamflow characteristics that can be applied at an ungaged basin, or to improve the corresponding estimate at continuous-record streamflow gages with short records. The regional estimation equation results from a multiple-linear regression that relates the observable basin characteristics, such as drainage area, to streamflow characteristics.
- Survey Date
- 2009
- Print Date
- 2009
- Height In Inches
- 11.000
- Length In Inches
- 8.500
- Two Sided
- Yes
- Pieces
- 1
- Languages
- English
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